The U.S. Coalition of Services Industries (CSI) commissioned Content First to prepare a state-by-state analysis of services exports and state-level services employment statistics. This was a groundbreaking effort. For the first time, CSI was able to quantify the level of services exports at the state-level based on a methodology implemented by Content First. These services export statistics used a method developed by an economist with the RAND Corporation and data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Additionally, Content First provided CSI with services employment statistics at the national and state level derived from BEA statistics.
Together, CSI compiled these statistics into a groundbreaking study, Services Drive U.S. Growth and Jobs: The Importance of Services by State and Congressional District, released on Capitol Hill in June 2007 at an event announcing the launch of the Congressional Services Caucus. CSI distributed the report to every Member of Congress.
Client Benefits
CSI used the state services exports and employment statistics to educate:
- Policymakers
- The Business Community
- The Press
- The Public